Women for Women Features our Gifts on Get Involved Homepage!

Have you checked about Women for Women International’s Get Involved homepage? If not, you really should. It’s beautifully designed and so engaging – it makes us even more excited about the phenomenal work they do to empower women survivors of war.

There are so many ways that Women for Women International’s supporters can get involved (Run for Congo; host an event, sponsor a woman in Congo, Rwanda, Iraq, etc.). Knowing this, and how many stories they have to tell, we are truly honored to have our own splash banner for their Get Involved page!

Prosperity Candle and Women for Women international partner to empower women with charitable and meaningful gifts

As they note, our Global Sisters Candle Set (a set of two stunning pillar candles) supports women who have graduated from their program in Iraq and donates to their work. And now we’ve introduced our Women for Women travel tin candle, which also donates to their work. Meaningful gifts that support a charitable cause.

Thank you, Women for Women!

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