Lighting Advent Candles to Promote Social Justice for Women Refugees

We’re really excited about a new product in our 2011 holiday gift collection: the Prosperity Candle Advent Votive Set. This set of 4 votive candles (3 in purple & 1 in pink) is getting an enormous amount of attention from congregations and individuals who are already devoted to humanitarian work and social justice and now want to celebrate advent with socially conscious candles that empower women refugees. Each candle is made by a woman refugee from Burma who is rebuilding her life in Western Massachusetts. For women like Moo Kho, their jobs with us have been the first they’ve ever had. For others like Mee Mee, it is the only job they can have because they don’t speak English.

A woman refugee from Burma creating advent candles that give back for Prosperity Candle - a perfect way to celebrate advent!

Moo Kho, a Burmese Christian minister, stands proudly with the advent candles she made

As always, each of our candles includes the name of the woman who made it and a story about the impact of the candle so you can reach out directly to her to let her know what you thought of her candles. For these advent candles we’ve also added a story card reminding those practicing advent about the symbolism of each candle. For us, the importance of “joy”, “hope” and “love” is not limited to Christian faiths. These sentiments relate to us all.

Will you take photos of your family or congregation lighting our advent candles? Please share your story of what the candles mean to you!

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