What has your week been like? Ours has been crazy! So we thought we’d share it with you.
Special labels require special attention, especially when you’re making candles for great organizations. A few weeks ago it was Parnassus Investments and Unitarian Universalist Service Committee, and next week will be Edwards Wildman and Catalina Leadership. But right now, Naw, Mho Kho and Mee Mee have been making perfect candles (and I do mean our best travel tin candles ever) for FEED Projects, Week of Compassion and Amnesty International while I go back and forth with our graphic designer and printer trying to get the colors, paper and layout right for these important orders.
It’s been a whirlwind of supplies arriving, customers ordering, shipments going out… and these three incredible women – refugees from Burma – working together, laughing and chatting in Karen (one of over 100 languages spoken in Myanmar, formerly Burma). They’ve recently resettled in Western Massachusetts through a U.N. program, and now seek to rebuild their lives in an entirely new community far from the persecution they fled.
We feel lucky to have met these women, and privileged to be working by their sides. Yesterday it finally occurred to me that while Naw and Mee Mee work on learning English (Moo Kho’s is perfect), it’s time the rest of us start learning some Karen. – Ted