Support Racial Equality on Giving Tuesday

This Giving Tuesday, we're donating 100% of our net proceeds to the NAACP. Here's why.

George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Tamir Rice, Eric Garner, Michael Brown, Ezell Ford, Tanisha Anderson, Atatiana Jefferson, Michelle Cusseaux, Walter Scott.

Any too many more. The number of Black lives lost to racial violence at the hands of police officers over the past several years - let alone decades - is overwhelming.

Following ongoing injustices against Black individuals and communities of color, the call to do more and take action for racial equity has been rising. We are seeing more people of all backgrounds standing up and calling for an end to the violence and racism. Not all law enforcement is culpable, but too many individuals are. We have seen it time and time again.

We stand in solidarity with the Black community and all people of color against the race-based injustice that persists in too many places and broken systems. We join and seek to amplify the voices of BIPOC, activists and peaceful protestors across the U.S. who are demanding justice and fighting for an end to violence and oppression. 

Each of our actions every day, from calling representatives and having difficult conversations to donating to worthy organizations, are all necessary to create systemic change. To be better allies, we must begin by listening and learning. 

While our focus at Prosperity Candle is to support women refugees from regions of conflict, the conversation about racism affects all of us in every space. And there is no empowerment or lasting change without recognizing the roots of racism. Beyond words, the strongest way to effect change is through action. 

The NAACP's Impact

We are proud to support the NAACP’s work on Giving Tuesday and the many millions of lives and communities they impact. The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People is the largest civil rights organization in the nation fighting race-based discrimination and working to secure educational, political, social, and economic equality for all people.

Founded in 1909 in response to violence against Black individuals, their work supports the livelihoods of individuals of color with over 2,200 branches and 2 million dedicated activists. Today they continue making a significant impact by advocating for quality, affordable healthcare, an equal criminal justice system with a zero tolerance police reform-federal legislation, environmental justice, equal educational opportunities, and enhancing financial economic resources and inclusive initiatives for African Americans and underserved individuals. 

A Vision of Equal Rights

While we have made significant progress toward equality in America as a result of the tireless efforts of Black and African American activists and allies, our work is not yet done. We have yet to reach our vision of a nation with equal rights for all persons without discrimination based on race or color. Amid a pandemic where African Americans are disproportionately affected, every effort truly makes a difference in this time.

With every Prosperity Candle gift purchased, you are voting for a world where women refugees and artisans who resettled to the U.S. have equal opportunity to thrive. On Giving Tuesday, we are donating 100% of net proceeds site-wide to the NAACP to make an even bigger impact for all BIPOC individuals in this country.

"We who believe in freedom cannot rest." - Ella Baker