Winter wellness: 5 easy ways to practice self-care in cold months

 Ted working on photography against a snowy winter backdrop It’s the end of January, and while the days are starting to get a little bit brighter (we’re now one month out from the shortest day of the year, December 21st!), spring still seems a long way away.

So how do you practice self-care during grey winter months? We’ve come up with 5 simple ways to ward off the winter blues (and some fun Prosperity Candle products to help you do so!), but we’d love to hear yours!

1. Embrace winter produce
It may seem (especially if you’re in New England, like we are) that there’s no fresh produce to be had in winter months, but don’t forget about squashes, artichokes, pears, and kiwis! Check out the Food Network’s Let’s Get Seasonal: Winter Produce board on Pinterest for lots of great recipe ideas to keep you eating well all winter.

2. Make a coffee date
Or a tea date, or a hot chocolate date . . . call a friend or two and schedule a time to share your favorite hot beverage and catch up on each other’s lives. Even better if your coffee does good in the world, like Equal Exchange’s Congo Coffee Project blend (which benefits Panzi Hospital) or Hope’s Blend (which helps fund UMCOR’s humanitarian work).

3. Consume more water
We all know it’s important to stay hydrated, but that’s sometimes easier said than done. Winter winds and cold temperatures lead to drier air, which means your body isn’t getting as much moisture as it does during warmer months. Up your water intake to flush your system and increase your energy level! Pro tip: try using a humidifier at night and drinking a glass of water when you wake up.

4. Take care of your skin
What’s better than a soothing bath to combat cold nights? We’ve got seven great gift sets featuring bath & spa items. From beeswax lip balm to Dead Sea bath salts, these treats for your skin are all fairly made by women around the world.

5. Do a little extra good in the world
Shovel a neighbor’s sidewalk, make a donation to your favorite cause, become a Big Brother or Big Sister, surprise a faraway relative with a handwritten letter . . . there are a million ways to brighten someone’s life, and knowing you made someone smile is an instant spirit-lifter on grey days. And we’d be remiss if we didn’t point out that doing good can be as easy as purchasing a candle made by a woman rebuilding her life!

Let us know how you stay smiling even when the weather is grey by leaving a comment, posting on our Facebook page, or sending us a tweet!

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