FEED the World with a Prosperity Candle FEED Joy Holiday Gift!

We have been truly blessed. So many incredible partnerships have taken root this year. We’ve deepened our partnerships with Women for Women International, Amnesty International, Partners In Health, Lutheran Social Services and the Preemptive Love Coalition. And now we’re developing new collaborative relationships with World Pulse, the Women’s Bar Association, 85 Broads, UMCOR, the Women’s Education Project and many others. The diversity of the groups we work with is incredible. Investing in women and finding gifts that give back to women is not just a trend! It seems like it’s here to stay.

Lauren Bush, founder of FEED Projects, has incorporated Prosperity Candle's gifts that change women's lives into her collection this year

Lauren Bush, Founder of FEED Projects

We’d like to highlight one organization that collaborating with has been particularly exciting for us: FEED Projects. You may have heard of them, as FEED was founded by philanthropist and model, Lauren Bush. Lauren was an intrepid young ambassador with the World Food Program before launching FEED. Her travels to learn more about the realities of hunger around the world inspired her to get involved. She conceived of FEED Projects as a way to raise funds for world hunger initiatives. As a model and fashionista, she wondered why more products were not offering charitable gifts. So she began creating gifts that give back to the World Food Program and UNICEF. Every one of her FEED bags and other products donate money towards a great cause.

Prosperity Candles are now feeding the world with Lauren Bush's FEED Project's holiday charitable gift collection

Prosperity Candles are now helping FEED the world

Lauren’s team was immediately interested in Prosperity Candle’s work. We’ll never forget our first meeting when she sat down, with a sparkle in her eye and said “Let’s do a FEED candle!” We were thrilled. We’re really honored to be teaming up with FEED and are excited to see our FEED Joy candle join their holiday gift collection this year. Not only does every candle empower a woman refugee build a new life, it also contributes to the fight against world hunger.

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